Are all the items you sell authentic?

Yes, absolutely everything we sell is 100% authentic and is checked for authenticity by us before it is listed on our site or social media pages. We have the knowledge on the products we sell in order to spot any items that are fake. Any items that have a Certilogo such as Stone Island/C.P. Company are checked by us and the Certilogo shown in the product images. We do hide the code on our site in order to protect the integrity on the code but we are happy to provide the code to buyers once they have made a purchase.

Where are you based?

We are based in Staffordshire in the UK. We are an online only business and therefore visits and collections of items is not possible. However, if you are based in Staffordshire or a near-by area, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see if we are able to drop an item off to you if you need it ASAP.

How quickly will my order be dispatched and arrive?

All orders to the UK are dispatched the next working day at the latest on a 1-2 day delivery service. if you do require an item urgently, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can help, we will always go above and beyond where possible for customers. For buyers outside of the UK, please contact us to find out more about the options available for global shipments.

Are the pre-owned items you sell in good condition?

Yes, we always try and have pre-owned items that are as close to new condition as possible. If the items do have any signs of wear or any flaws, these will be listed in the item description and shown in the item photos if necessary.

Why are some items so cheap?

As the majority of the items we sell are pre-owned, the price is reflective of that. We also buy items in bulk where possible to keep costs down and pass the savings onto our customers.

How does this item fit?

All sizing information and measurements such as pit to pit are displayed on the item listing. if you cannot find the information required on a certain item, please contact us for more info.

Do you buy items?

Yes we do. We are always looking for ways to add more stock to our inventory. You can find more info on this on the “Sell To Us” page on the site.

Can you provide more information on an item that is for sale?

Yes, if you have any questions at all about an item we have listed, don’t hesitate to contact us via email to find out more.

How can I contact you?

You can find all our contact details on the “Contact” page on the site

Can you source a specific item for me?

Unfortunately this is not a service we offer. If you wish to request for us to contact you if we ever have a certain item in stock, that is fine and something we can do, but we do not offer any sourcing/personal shopping services.